1.) Here is one of the first ones I came upon. I find this piece of art interesting. It looks to be the women's life if she had taken two different "roads" at one point in her life. Ironically the one where she has lost her arm makes her look stronger then then one with both arms, yet it's the same person.
This one took me a few "looks" to atually like it. I thought it was jsut a blury blob, however after reading up on the art piece, I descovered it to be multi layer prints. It has 4 "pictures" of a cow in different positions. What throws you off at first is that it's upside down. But I like that about it. This way you see the art work, think about it, try to figure it out and then actually see what it is. Very interesting.
This could definitely make your head spin. I would say in this instance, to photograph the "paradox" all she/he would need to do is take a self portrait.
= The word paradox, here, refers to the fact that in order to strike the center of the target, the arrow must be pointed slightly to its side.