Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY NEW YEAR & my 100th post

Just thought I'd spread a little
New Year cheer.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to celebrate my 100th post! Happy shooting to every one in the new year and keep on shooting those pics!

Food - pizza bites

Random photo of some pizza bites in the toaster oven.

Red - Random Finds

Hanging out at a friend's house, I decided to randomly find "red" around her apartment.

Poinsettia :

"Cheez - it" box :
Spatulas :
Cherry Tomatoes :
"Kisses" :
Lit Candle :

Monday, December 29, 2008

Red - Coffee

I went to get a coffee today at the local coffee shop and to my surprise the coffee cups say "RED" on them ! what luck. I grabbed the coffee and ran home.

I set my camera on the desk about a foot away from the coffee cup. I attached my SB600 strobe and set it to "auto" TTL, pointed it up to the ceiling and attached a bounce card. This way the flash would bounce light to fill the room a bit and to lighten up the front of the cup a bit more. The camera was set to Manual with Shutter speed of 2.5 and an Aperture of 3.5. I added a +1 to the exposure and used a ISO of 100. The lens was at about 19mm. This shot was cropped down to an angle I liked best. In post editing I boosted the contrast slightly for a crisper look.

Assignment "Red"

I have my new assignment for this week. Just in time for the "holidays". This week, thanks to my good friend Jen.... I have been assigned to shoot RED. So I looked around my room for a minute, and came up with a few quick shots.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hey every one, sorry I haven't been posting in a few days. Christmas is a busy time and to top it all off I have a feverish cold. But I do have some great news. Santa brought me a new SB600 Speed light for my camera AND a huge round gold and white reflector. AND a battery grip! So I will be taking lots and lots and lots more pictures. Here are a few I took with my new flash. They are all in the "auto" mode, but I've got lots to read up on the flash and how to properly us it with my camera.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Blue - Ball2

A different twist on the Christmas tree ball. Will try this one again in focus! But I think it looks cool.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Blue - lights2

When you are too close and the shutter is open for way to long.... But it still looks cool. I did no adjustments to this shot.

Blue - abstract

While looking for Blues for my assignment I mistakenly snapped the shutter on the camera while putting it away. The shutter stayed opened for 30 seconds. But amazingly it took one of the most interesting images I've ever taken.

Blue - Creative2

This is a shot of two blue sound panellings in my office. I tweaked the color a little and pushed the contrast.

Christmas thought...

The more I think about it, I should have just spent this week shooting "Christmas" best time of the year for it... But I haven't really been in the Christmas mood. Personally I think it comes around way to often. If it was every other year, or every five years.... I would be more excited about it. Seriously... besides the ridiculous amount of vacation time I get this time of year, for me.... it's very hard on the wallet and I could do with out it EVERY year. And didn't we JUST put the decorations away from last year???? Well I hope every one my best.... and good cheers to all....


Merry Christmas Everyone.

Blue - Creative

The steaming cup of Hot Chocolate was screaming for a photograph. So I grabbed the old camera and started shooting..... To Keep with this week's theme, I had a little fun.

Blue - Holiday

I'm starting to find more blue... funny how you notice things when you are actually looking for them. It's like buying a new car and then suddenly EVERYONE has your car. But it's not until you actually start to think about things until you actually SEE them.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Blue - lights

My computer gave me my first inspiration for my "Blue" assignment. It has these funky blue lights on the cooling fans.

Assignment "Blue"

So this week's photo assignment is "BLUE" I can so cheat and go photograph the ol' Mustang... but I think I will try to be creative... Everything Blue that I see I will photograph.

Lets see how hard this is now that it's Christmas week!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Water Drops Grade

I presented my shots of "water drops" to Timarra. She gave me a B+

Not to bad for my first assignment. I believe I got the B because the shots captured water movement (after the drop) not so much water Dropping. I have to admit... water is FAST! It's tough freezing it motion.

I see things in the images that I would do differently next time. Better framing, better all "around" lighting, better smoother background, etc... I may come back to this one because it was fun. Only next time, I will either have a "set" and not a "sink", or I will master the sink. sink was helpful for drainage.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Basic Photo Editing

Sometimes you just have to help out a friend in need.... because that photo just HAS to be posted on "Facebook/MySpace" :-D I love Photoshop!

Snow Night

Last night it snowed a bit here in Jersey so I thought I would grab a few shots. I don't think I did well. The best shots were when I left the camera on "auto" and turned on the flash. Blech. Here are a few shots, but it's not what I was hoping for. I'm thinking a tripod and a slower shutter speed would have been the key.

Then I had to let the dog have some fun, since she LOVES the snow. So I snapped a few of her as well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weekly Assignment name

"Weekly Inspired Photography"

This will be the name of my weekly photo projects..... I think... :-)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Assignment "Water Drops"

So for a few minutes I sat looking at the computer screen. Staring at the words "water drops" and thinking. But by this time it is 8pm and it is to dark outside to shoot the rain. Hmm or maybe not? There could be something interesting out there in the dark that I could photograph with water dripping on or off of. But then... remembering that I do not have a fancy TTL flash for the old camera I decided agents venturing out in the dark rain.

So now what? Hmmmmm More thinking..... Then it hit me. THE KITCHEN SINK! I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and turned on the water. After many takes, (many many takes) adjusting the shutter speed in the "shutter priority mode" I finally reached a speed fast enough to freeze the water in movement. The color temp and lighting effect was OK, but too harsh. I used my left hand and bounced the light from my on camera flash up and off to the left. This diffused the light just enough for my liking.

I must have taken about 140 shots. Yes I am a freak (thank you digital !). I still consider myself in the "learning phase" A place I'll probably be in for quite some time. Because I believe I will always be learn new techniques and these new techniques will take many many shots to master. So taking 140 frames to capture that one good shot... isn't to crazy... in my opinion.

Back up to my computer... time to DL all those images. After a while of flipping through every image, I came up with about 15 that I truly liked. Then narrowed it down to about 7 of my favorites. The image at the top of this entry I have named the "Dog Head Drop" It's amazing how water looks when you freeze frame it. The next image is obviously a "missed drop" but I fell in love with the colors and how the water looks in the glass, it's kind of calming. The third image down on this page is one of my other favorites. I'm not even upset at the off tilt of the glass, in my opinion it gives it movement, this reaction of the water to the drop is perfect for what I was trying to accomplish.

Now the forth image down actually "hits the nail on the head" in terms of capturing a "water drop" The colors are now a bit warmer and still soft. Other then the harsh flash reflection on the upper left side of the image, I feel it's a great shot. The drops of water are in focus, the water in the glass is clear and sharp and there is movement.

Now For some fun... because I know, I can't keep myself away from pushing/tweaking my photos just a bit in Photoshop. This time I took a totally different approach to the "dripping water". I turned the water on high, overflowing in the glass. With an adjustment to the White Balance, shutter speed, back ground, and angle, I produced a very blue and chromy like image. VOILA! A completely different photograph.

I captured some great shots for this assignment so far. However... There are some details I wish I could have changed or done differently. If this wasn't a kitchen sink, and I was able to deconstruct the whole "set" This is what I would have done. I would have a smoother taller background, keeping a mix of the chrome color and reflectiveness properties with the soft off white for bounce and fill. I definitely would have made a slightly larger space. The faucet would be moved up a little higher to give me more "working space". I felt so trapped in this little frame while shooting. Knowing this would also cause difficult cropping in post production. But needless to say I could not do major construction to the kitchen sink. I had to work with what I had. And that my friend makes you work, and learn. IF you want it bad enough you can figure out a way to get it.

I believe I accomplished what I was looking for on this mini shoot and I thank Timarra for giving me this first assignment. It's pushing me to work, and I love this kind of work !

Weekly Assignments

So now that I am out of class I am itchin' for photo assignments. I've decided I will do a new theme every week. And the source of my assignments will be my friends. What they tell me I will shoot. I think this could be very interesting.

I have received my first assignment from my good friend Timarra. It is "Water Drops". Hmm wonder where she got this from, doubt it's from the rain that has been falling ALL DAY. HA. Well here goes every thing!

OH yeah I need a snappy name for this project...... Any ideas?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Restoration 5b

So I believe I have finished my restoration job of the found image. I see there are things about it that I'm not particularly fond of. Like the fact that I chickened out on the girl's shirt, or the oddness of the texture of her chest. It, to me, almost looks like a photo of a girl's head coming out of a drawing, or painting. But I am very pleased on how I was able to fix her hair, and remove all the cracks on her face. I believe I had about 10 saved versions of this photo as I was working on it. I may come back to this one, but for now... I think I'm pleased with it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Final Class

Well this Thursday is my final class. It's sad. I really enjoyed the projects that were assigned and learning to look at photography differently. I find that I now concentrate on many more things when setting up a shot, more then I have in the past. I look at the entire scene, and I try to visualize lines, and colors, and angles... and the most important FOCUS. I still am having a issue that focus. I'm not sure if it is because I rely on auto focus, if my auto focus is set to the wrong setting (which is a good chance) or if I just don't concentrate enough on it at the moment I click the shutter. But I digress....

I found that I am actually using the manual settings on the camera more, and surprisingly prefer them to "auto". The manual settings allow you to have more control over the outcome of the shot, and I am actually learning what is used and not used to get the shot I'm looking for.

Framing, color, lights, darks, ideas, persuasions, feelings, angles, details, aperture, ISO, space.... These are all things that I have become more aware of as I shoot.

I am very pleased with my progress, and I am very happy that I was fortunate enough to be able to take this class. I truly wish it was not over, just a few more weeks would have been perfect. Even my classmates were great. A real mix of characters. I have to admit that I had more fun in this class then... well... 90% of the classes I took when I was in college. It wasn't because of the lack of an over load of written assignments, or massive amounts of research for homework that made it better, because I did do a lot of writing and have been doing lots of research on photography and experimenting with new techniques (even if they were not assignments by the professor). This time I enjoyed myself and the information I was learning, to the point where I was pushing myself to learn more out side of the class syllabus. And yes my classmates pushed me. Some of the images they would take would challenge me, they were so good and so not "me". I'm so used to looking at "my" work, but not looking at or thinking what someone else would interpret the same idea as. I learned a lot from them.

Now, lets hope all things go well and I will be able to take the next class which concentrates on learning Illustrator and Photoshop to more depths. (Cross your fingers, its a day time class)

On that note I say... good bye to my class and hello to my future of digital photography. I have big plans for myself and hope that I do follow through on them. I will be keeping this blog going although it will probably have a new name, maybe even a new address.... But I will keep you posted...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Restoration 5a

I have done some work with my 5th Restoration project. I am please with my progress but I do have my problem spots. But here is a side by side comparison of my progress so far.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Color Corection

I have been working on restoring old photos and, for a beginner, I think I'm doing very well. But there is a trend. They are all black and white. Color. Ugh Even saying it terrifies me. What do I do if a photo is too blue? or Red? or Green? Now I would probably go in and manually adjust all the colors in "color" adjustment layer. This is ok, but from what I've seen, I've been guessing. And after a few hours of looking a bright LCD screen, your eyes get a little wacked out. Causing bad color decisions.

During a total random search, I cam across a "restoration forum" WOW, can I say that again? WOW. There are actually videos, good videos on the "How Too's" of simple photo fixes. The one that caught my eye was the color restore video. How simple did they make it look! Here I was guessing while sliding the little bar left and right, and thinking to myself... Ok that "looks" good. Here is the tool to actually bring you very close to what is really good. As simple as it is, all I need to do is go in and adjust the color levels with the graph.

I don't have an example at the moment. But one is sure to come soon!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Restoration 5

I found this photo as a "test" to asses the talent of applicants who are applying for a Photography Restoration job. I would credit the site here, but alas I have totally lost the web page. IF I find it I will post it here.

But this is the original damaged photo, it is much more damaged any anything I've attempted so far. But I'm willing to give it a try. Learning as I go.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Restoration 4a

I spent a few more hours working on this photograph. So far I have removed all the major cracks and lines. Now all thats left is the fine dust and specks.



Friday, December 5, 2008

No Flash

I've needed to learn how to take photos with my camera with out a light set up and with out a flash. Now, outdoors is easy, there is lots of light and all you would need at most is a bounce. Although some would say a strobe will help with the "fill light" But what happens if you want to take a picture of something/one indoors and all you have is sunlight.

I decided to put this to the test. I grabbed my dog and put her in the living room. After many many different camera settings I finally came up with something that works, but would still need tweaking in post production.

It' still a little dark, but if I slow down the shutter speed any more I would need a tripod and well, the do would most likely move. In the photo below I adjusted the color temp, since it came out a bit yellow in the original. I never did adjust the Metering, it was set to Matrix, I wonder if spot metering would have lightened up her dark side of the face?

Image Stats
Exposure mode : Shutter
ExP + : +5
Flash : None
Metering : matrix
Focal length : 32mm
Shutter : 1/20
Aperture : 4.5
ISO : 800
White bal : SUNNY
Light source : Large window on camera left, small window behind the subject slightly to camera right.

Here is a similar image without any post adjustments taken with the same settings. I'm not really sure which one I like better. But I do know I wish i had some fill light. Maybe all I needed was a reflector on camera right.

Now this image is with the flash... even Piper didn't like this setting. Obviously I forgot that adding a flash in the manual settings will not work. The camera will not adjust settings for the flash, I would have needed to do that. But since I didn't want to change any of the setting of the camera so I could remember them for this posting, I stopped using the flash.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Picture Restoration 4

Here is a really big job I'm working on. I started in the top left corner, which is actually the most damaged. I think it's coming along well. I do wish I had more of a background in all the tools in photoshop, but from what I know I think it's working.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Natural Light Shooting

I've been doing some searching around at other photographers Portrait work. It looks to me that the photographers who do remote shooting don't always have elaborate equipment set ups like I do. It looks like a large bounce board and a good on camera flash, or no flash to that matter. They just use the avaliable light at the location.

This makes me nervous. Natural light... how many different white balance options are there? I need to work on this and figure out different senerieos. If a customer/model wants me to photograph them at their house, but there is no room for lighting, or if they want me to photograph them in their yard or at a park. Then what? I can't lug around lights or worst deny work because of this.

My next venture is to photograph with natural light. This will be very hard however since I do not have a good on camera flash.

Oh do I wish I had the SB 900 Flash for my camera. The built in on camera flash is so harsh and unflattering. I don't even understand why it's there. Well I know it is useful, but damn, it's just not flattering.

Even better yet one of those ring lights would be perfect as well. It looks like some attach right to an existing flash, like the SB800, and "light up" from that light. I can only imagine how nice and balanced and soft this light would look on a close up portrait.

I guess this topic turned in to "flashes" instead of natural light. But I wonder if they actually do go hand and hand. There will be a need for some fill light in a natural light setting. A bounce board will do the trick, but what if it's at dawn or dusk where there isn't a lot of sunlight.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Picture Restoration 3

I spent about 2 solid hours on this restoration. As simple as the fixes were, I believe it makes it 1000% better. Click on the Image below to see the example larger. This is a picture of my grandmother circa early 1950's.

Photo Shoot 4

This photo shoot I had a really great time. My only battle was the ceiling height. It was literally 7' high at the beams!!! This made it very very hard to light my models but I think I did very well. I am SUPER happy with my results. However I did have some lighting issues, so there are a bunch of shadows on the faces that I could have done with out. But here are my favorite shots.