Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wonders what the world will look like on December 22, 2012?

And why did 10 minutes of one "History Channel" make me wonder... what if.....



I'm in a good mood today. Not sure why. Maybe because I was a sleep before 10pm and slept solid until 5am when the alarm went off. Who knows, but I'm running with hit.

I need some photographic inspiration.... or I need to go on a photographic adventure.... If this Sunday has nice weather I want to go adventuring around Jersey and photograph a theme. I was thinking maybe a farm theme, since it's close to fall the colors around those red barns should be amazing.

Anyone out there have any other good fall suggestions? My friends and I are doing a Corn Maze, but not for another 3 weeks ! Oy... long time away... So I need to keep busy.

Anyway, that is my Bloggin' thought for today...

P.S. Did you see the sunrise today? It was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING... no I did not have my camera with my... why you ask? 1. I'm an idiot, 2. it was still set up for my macro/product photography set from the other day, 3. I had just picked up my car from the shop last night so nothing was in my car..... Anyway... it was beautiful... the clouds looked like they were on fire.... but this was around 6:45am....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Product Photography

Today I woke up, it was raining.... Bla.... That is how I felt. I needed something to do, and I wanted it to revolve around photography. Searching the web for inspiration I found that I really was drawn to the "infinity" background in most product shots. So off I went to the art supply store to buy supplies.... I decided to build my very own light box.

No... I didn't take photos of me making it... why? I have no clue... But I did grab a few shots of random things in my room. Because I know you all want to see my grungy sneakers... here you go...

I think by my last shot here... I figured out how to "white" the background. They still need some work... But I think it's a good start.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Morning Drive

The sky was on fire this morning as I pulled out of my driveway, well it looked like it was.

It was beautifully colored from deep blue to yellow to orange and. Part of me really wanted to stop and take some decent photos of the sky, but I was already a few minutes behind schedule so I had to keep driving. Being a little late, I took the short rout to work. This rout to work puts me on one long road that twists through a small "mountain" called "South Mountain Reservation". It's a nice ride in the AM, but it has way to many stop lights. However it does have one added bonus... it brings you up high enough to see NY. Well... some of the tall buildings are NJ buildings, but you can see a bridge (not sure which one) that, I believe, brings you to NY... yeah.... somewhere in NY... maybe near the city.... ANYway.......

Before I made it to the twisty part I knew I had to get out my camera and set it up while the car was not moving. So I grabbed my camera (at one of those many stop lights) picked some settings for low light and hoped it was set right.

I knew exactly where I needed to be to get the "money shot". There is this one little section of the road that, for a split second, you can see this amazing city skyline way out in front of you, over the trees. As I took the last bend and came around to the highest part of the road, I raised my camera up with my right hand (good thing I drive an automatic!) and started snapping... click click click, click.... I whole bunch of shots went off. I placed the camera down and continued to drive....

At the next stop light I grabbed up my camera to look at what I captured. Not bad I thought.... not bad at all for not looking through the view finder and driving at the same time....

Here is what I captured... (cropped just a little bit to bring the skyline in better view, no color editing done on this image.)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hacklebarney State Park

Today I woke up early and decided on going for a hike. I found Hacklebarney State Park on line, plugged the address in to my trusty GPS and headed out early. I had a great day. Here are some photos. Next time I go I will concentrate more on hiking, but it was way too beautiful not to snap a bunch of shots. Here are a few from my hike.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Piper's nose

So here is a my Piper's nose. Big, black and always cold and wet. But did you know that it smells too? Not just "sniff sniff sniff" but that it itself has a "smell". Now... one would think that it would be icky..... because lets face it..... where do dog's noses go? Yeah that's right you all have that same yucky image.... but put that on the back burner and put a lid on it. Because you will never guess how sweet and wonderful my dog's nose smells like!

It smells like pancake syrup !

Don't ask me... I don't know how she does it.... but it sure does. I don't ask how, some mysteries in life are meant to be left as just that... a wonderful maple syrup scented mystery.


Side note on Piper's nose.... I should mention that it's not the black spongy part of her nose, but the top where her fur is more like peach fuzz. That last 1/2 inch spot right before the "spongy" part of the nose. It always smells sweet.

Piper has random smells... the normal dog smell, the wet dog smell, the " damn dog you need a bath smell", but my favorite is her maple syrup nose and her corn paws. But I'll cover the corn paws another day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

HUGS and Funny Faces

I just love this little boy... And the cutest thing about him... besides missing his two front teeth.... he gives HUGS ! Sweetness !

Matt & Alla

When spending yesterday morning photographing the kids, I grabbed a quick snap shot of mom and dad.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The other day I working in the yard, pullin weeds and stuff. I had planned on chopping down this vine I planted near the deck on the back of the house. Because it looked dead and sad and there were no flowers this year. As I approaced the vine to start chiopping I did a once over to check it all out. And low and behold... there was 4 flowers blooming on the vine. I'm thinking it knew what I was up to and thought "if I bloom some flowers maybe she'll let me live to see another summer"

And well I decided to let it live one more summer, but the vine did get a hair cut.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Eggplant Rollatini


Some back story of me and Eggplant :

Now, up until a few months ago, I never would have EVER taken a bite of this dish. I swore that I would not like it. Call it a childhood thing? Yes maybe it was. But I was standing strong! STRONG I tell ya! I was never going to eat eggplant.

Then one day I ordered take out with a friend. I ordered the lasagna, he ordered the Eggplant Rollatini..... I have to say the dishes did look the same, and these two really did. So I started to eat what I thought was my lasagna. It seemed like there was something different but I thought they may have forgotten the meat... then it hit me... I WAS EATING EGGPLANT !!!!!!

But wait...

It was actually good.... Then 2 seconds later our dishes were changed back... Needless to say I was a changed girl.... And I haven't looked back!

ANYWAY.... Here is my recipe for Eggplant Rollatini.