Monday, October 5, 2009

Morning Dew

Sunday I woke up and looked out the window... rubbed my eyes and tried to look again. Still nothing.... I could not believe it, there was nothing but white... Half a sleep I tried to move "more" window curtains out of the way... still nothing. Then I thought the window was all fogged up... nope no fog on the glass... Scratched my head a few times and realized FOG! AMAZING FOG. I grabbed my gear and headed for the car.... but then reality hit me and I realized I needed to do my morning "chores". Back in the house.... fed the dog, walked the dog, chatted it up with mom, ate some Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds (best cereal ever). Then headed out. Not much fog was left but there was a lot of morning dew. Here are a few creative grass shots I snapped up quick before the sun light burned all the dew drops away.

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