Friday, March 26, 2010

Fix It Fridays - 48

Here is a quick edit I did this morning with today's "Fix it Fridays" It's simple, and if I was home using my full blown version of PhotoShop I'd do a whole lot more... but I like how simple this is...

I was wondering... I normally use the full version of PhotoShop... I got right to the unsharp mask... Is there anything like that in PhotoShop Elements? I guess I can do some web searches too... but if anyone wants to throw out suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated!

Edited with a simple Border
No Border

For more wonderful edits of this little cutie pie.... click the "I ♥ Faces" above.....


  1. There's an unsharp mask tool in Elements. I'm not sure if it's different from the one in Photoshop though. I really like the border you added.

  2. There is an Unsharp mask in Elements. It's under the Enhance menu. You can adjust the amount, radius, and threshold. :-)

  3. THANKS! I found the unsharp !
    I guess I was looking too hard... or not hard enough :-)

    The border was so simple, was actually an accident, I was planning on doing rounded edges and totally missed the mark (forgot the transparent background... but I think I like this better. :-)
