Friday, November 19, 2010

Fix it Fridays # 78

Boy, it's been a while... I found my old favorite photography blogs and wouldn't you know... it's Friday, you know that that means????



My first Edit... simple, clean...

Edit 2, Attempted tilt-shift... but I like it...

Edit 3, This is kind of old school with a boost...

Edit 4, Faded grainy effect...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good Times

Even in a shady dive bar you can have fun... especially if there is a lot of vodka involved.... But oh no, I was good girl ;-).... yeah, actually I was being good.... because I was a designated driver.

Anyway, amongst all the group shots and silly poses and happy couple shots... I managed to grab a few "play" shots.... here are a few to hold me over until I finish going through the roll.

(wait did I just say roll? How many of you out there even know what I mean by a roll? Knock Knock Knock is this thing on? When was the last time you used a "roll" to photograph an event?)

Birthday Girl

Last Saturday I went to a Birthday Party, a "Black & White" party. We all had to wear masks when the Birthday Girl arrived. I don't "do" masks... but thankfully I had my camera and I was taking photos... so I got out of it. But I do have to say, the Bday girl had some cool masks to wear!

Here is one of my favorite masks.

Friday, May 14, 2010

NJ Farms

I still have a thing for photographing Farms. There is something so comforting about them. I love how they are all so different too. Yes there is usually a barn and a (tall round cylinder thingie which I can't think of right now) and they all have interesting doors and windows. Some have cows, some have sheep, some have miniature donkeys! But I also love the colors... the big red barn nestled on lush green land rich with life. And the smell. We all know what I'm talking about... that smell... yeah THAT smell... but you know what??? I kid of like it. Now I'm not saying I'd want to bottle it and wear it around town, but I like how it reminds me of horseback riding lessons as a little kid. Ahhh Memories....

Here is a quick shot of a random farm along Rt 23 in NJ I took a quick snap of from the car.

Mother's Day Drive

This past Mother's Day I took my mom out for a drive up to NY. We had a great time, laughing all the way. Here are a few images from the drive.... this is Rt 97.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Coffee in the office.

The other day I decided to post a little something in the "kitchen" area at work about coffee cups. We (very much including me) have been so wasteful with the paper coffee cups. I mean seriously, I would go through 150 cups in a 10 week span !!!! (FYI that is just over $13 worth of cups) Yeah.... $13 does not seem like all that much money, but times that by the amount of coffee/tea drinkers in the office and you see my point.

I posted a sign up above the coffee pot, with some dialogue on how much I've saved the office by bringing in my own (non disposable) cup in to use every day.

I'm not sure if my little note has made any change in my fellow coworkers, I'm hopping a positive one... I'm hoping it will bring change for some...

So that's my little story about my small effort to do my part to save the department a little money, and maybe the environment a few paper cups.

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Lilac Season!

You do not understand how happy I am that there are Lilacs blooming right outside my 2nd story bedroom! Do you know what this means??? In about 2 weeks I'll have the most wonderful spring lilac smell just billowing in to my bedroom! (Take that Yankee candle!) OK seriously I absolutely love Yankee candles... I think I have about 10 in my room that are either lilac or vanilla... seriously... someday I'll have to take a photo of them!

But, for now, I'll post this wonderful little Lilac bud to hold me over....

Growing Heart

Here is a simple growing heart... I'd do more shading and special effects... but you get the point... Can you tell I'm finally having "fun" in class! I loves me some PhotoShop!

FYI... I just realized how hypnotic this can be to some... because sometimes I find myself just looking at it for a solid minute w/o realizing it... HA! Then other times I look at it and it causes very high anxiety... and then I have to get up and leave the room and do something, anything, but something has got to be done! LOL fun with PhotoShop !

Bouncing Ball Pt. 2

So here is my bouncing ball... with some more fancy movements ....

I'm liking this simple PhotoShop animation!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Fix It Fridays - 48

Here is a quick edit I did this morning with today's "Fix it Fridays" It's simple, and if I was home using my full blown version of PhotoShop I'd do a whole lot more... but I like how simple this is...

I was wondering... I normally use the full version of PhotoShop... I got right to the unsharp mask... Is there anything like that in PhotoShop Elements? I guess I can do some web searches too... but if anyone wants to throw out suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated!

Edited with a simple Border
No Border

For more wonderful edits of this little cutie pie.... click the "I ♥ Faces" above.....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bouncing Ball !



Today in class... actually I'm in class as we speak (Shhhhhhh) we learned how to create a "bouncing ball" in photoshop. I can't (at the moment) go in to the how too or all the details... I just wanted to post this here... I was very proud of my first attempt at a bouncing ball...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Flood of 2010

This rushing water you see here is slamming it's way through Bloomingdale NJ. Usually this is a small stream only a few feet wide and a few feet deep.... Today it's well over 40yards wide and lord only knows how deep. I was lucky to get out when I did, because the water had started to flood streets and homes. I found half the town evacuated up to the highest point in town.

Mother Nature.... Don't mess with her!

Just to get an Idea of how high this wave was... I'd say these last few photos show the wave of water hitting that tree at about 15" high !!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jazz Night at the Vineyard

I had a great night at one of the local Jersey vineyards last night. Good friends, good wine, good Jazz.... No photos of my camera shy friends... and that's OK, I got some good artistic shots.... I will definitely go back... Mmmm they had some good brick oven pizza too...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I ♥ Faces - Fix it Friday #44

Another challenging Fix it !


Lightened, Boosted and Cropped

Slightly Different Crop

Black and White with Round Edges

Check out I (Heart) Faces' website for more amazing examples of this wonderful little photo!

Friday, February 12, 2010

I ♥ Faces - Fix it Friday #43

Another AWESOME photo from "I ♥ Faces" "Fix it Friday" This one was fun....

This was my first edit... simple adjustments to make it look more natural.

Then I thought I'd go a little "acid" ....

I don't know what to call it, I just happened by mistake... but I totally LOVE it...

Here is the original photo.

You can find other wonderful photo edits
here :