Monday, January 5, 2009

Piper - SB600 take 2

I've been a little frustrated with my "portraits". I want them to look natural, not posed, and not so much "studio" looking. For this I truly need to know my camera and work with my new flash and available light. I put the dog on the deck and started snapping shots. She was not so cooperative today. I think she had to much energy stored up from being in the house all day. But I did manage to get a few good shots. I desperately need to do a few more shoots with people, inside and outside, with out my elaborate lighting set up. I got a few good shots, well... OK shots. I just needed more time to play with the settings on the camera/flash and less time directing the dog to sit still. But here they are.

Flash pointed directly at Piper :

Flash pointed up with a bounce card pointed at her: (to be honest, I'm not sure the bounce card did anything to help this shot... I never turned off the flash to test that theory... maybe tomorrow I'll have even lighting again to try this. OH and I had my HUGE round reflector pointed at her (white side) off camera left.

Me and Piper... a "one handed photo", Flash pointed up, but way to bright for my light skin. This is Piper saying "Hey Lady, I didn't want my picture taken WITH you!" BTW 18mm is so not flattering to the nose!, mine or hers ;-)

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