Friday, October 23, 2009

Fix It Fridays = Little Boy

Here is my attempt to "Fix it Fridays" latest photo. I like this fix, it's subtle. I found the grainy parts to be a bit of a challenge, and so I used a few pre made actions from other sites..... I used a "darken this" to calm down the bright spots. I used Pioneer Women's "lovely". I softened the skin a tad. I brightened up some of the hair and his shirt. Over all I think it came out well. I may try some other styles like, vintage or B&W. But I like how this one came out.



  1. good job - cute little fellow :) thanks for sharing.

    i posted my edits, too. feel free to come on over and visit anytime :O).

  2. Your fix looks great! It was a difficult photo this week! I like the detail that you brought out in his face.
