Monday, September 15, 2008

Archery Range Rabbit

Another day at the Archery range. This time I brought my camera with me and I was ready. I was shooting at the 20yards target and out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. There was this little rabbit. It came out on to the range to eat. As quietly as I cold i put down the bow and grabbed my camera. DOH I didn't have my telephoto lens on. My lens was 18-55mm. So I slowly and quietly walked up to the rabbit taking picture after picture. I had set the camera to "fast action" because I was afraid it would take off from the flash. The light was and I wanted to make sure I got a good shot. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK as i walked closer. I was about 6 or 7 ft away from it before it took off in to the woods. I looked through the pictures I took and found that with the low light, and the "fast action" setting. The photos seemed a lot grainier then in "auto" mode. I also realized that even in this mode I should still have a tripod or a mono pod the photos could have been a little bit more in focus if i had.

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