Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Photo Shoot 2: My Second Photo Shoot

I'm starting to get a bit discouraged with myself. I'm taking images I like... But they are not coming out how I'd like them to come out.

I realized that I can not rely on the preview image on the back of my camera.

Looking back I wished I had figured out how to make other adjustments on my camera before this shoot. Being locked in to a auto white balance mode is not at all desirable. As I was shooting and previewing my images, I was happy. Every thing was coming out warm, and centered, and more along the lines of what I wanted.

But.... when I downloaded the images to my computer, is when the discouragement started. They were all ORANGE. I guess when I was at the shoot, in the lighting it looked fine. I know I can adjust these images later, but that is going to be a lot of work.

I know now I will have to do a third shoot. To try different settings. I only wish I had my own studio, then re shoots would not be so difficult. I could just leave the set "up" and take images and then review my work and then go back and make more adjustments.

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